| Tuesday July 9th | Wednesday July 10th | Thursday July 11th | Friday July 12th | Saturday July 13th | Sunday July 14th | Monday July 15th | Tuesday July 16th |
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09h00-10h00 | Introduction | Standard Model & Beyond | Standard Model & Beyond | | Standard Model & Beyond | Standard Model & Beyond | Standard Model & Beyond | Standard Model Precision tests |
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10h00-11h00 | Standard Model & Beyond | Statistics | Statistics | | Statistics | Standard Model Precision tests | Standard Model Precision tests | Standard Model Precision tests |
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11h00-11h30 | Break | Break | Break | | Break | Break | Break | Break |
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11h30-12h30 | Instrumentation | Instrumentation | Instrumentation | | Instrumentation | Accelerators | Accelerators  | Accelerators |
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12h30-13h30 | Instrumentation | Neutrino Physics | Neutrino Physics | | Neutrino Physics | Cosmology & Planck results | Cosmology & Planck results | Cosmology & Planck results |
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13h30-15h00 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
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15h00-15h45 | Seminar 1  | Seminar 3 | Seminar 6 | | LHC: Higgs and what else ? G. Calderini R. Salerno J. Serrano V. Sordini  | Other projects: LHC and what else ? J. Mnich   | Students presentations | Students presentations |
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15h45-16h30 | Seminar 2 | Seminar 4 | TP / Students work with teachers on presentation | |
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16h30-17h15 | Practical work presentation | Seminar 5 | |
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17h15-17h45 | Break | Break |
| | | 17:45-18:15 – Break | | | | |
17h45-18h45 | Students work with teachers on presentation | TP / Students work with teachers on presentation | 18:15-19:00: Practical work summary | | Football |
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18h45-19h45 | Students work with teachers on presentation | TP / Students work with teachers on presentation | 19:00-19:45: Discussion session | | Summary |
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19h45-20h45 | Dinner | Dinner | Dinner | | Dinner | Dinner | Dinner | Dinner |
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Topical seminar: warning seminar should last for 40′ and 5′ for questions |
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Lectures : warning the lecture should last for 50′ and 10′ for questions |
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Students presentations (5 minutes presentation + 2 minutes questions) |